Jesus’s Greatest Hits

Jesus’s Greatest Hits by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall

Due to the “clickbait” headline, some readers might accuse me of denigrating Jesus by equating Our Risen Lord to a rock star. Well… He is a rock star! Jesus rose from the rock tomb and stars forever on earth and in heaven. For the earth part, I recommend reading “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?” for an in-depth understanding of the miraculous impact Jesus had (has) on humankind.

Moreover, the headline ties into this Bible study’s mission to attract readers unfamiliar with the Bible (or who have fallen away). And, on any given Sunday while surfing this popular secular political site, they unexpectedly stumble upon a Bible study. (Why I often receive heartfelt emails from readers beginning with “I was surprised to see your study…”)

Today’s “modern” headline also targets readers who might be more open to learning about Jesus while their chocolate marshmallow Easter eggs are still fresh. If that is YOU, welcome aboard. (And don’t be shy about joining our regular gang of “enthusiastic” commenters. We even have a “mayor” who keeps order – recently reappointed to a second term.)

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Now let’s dive into what I consider the most popular and meaningful verses attributed to Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels.

But first, my all-time favorite verse: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Why this verse?  I love how Jesus’s words are emphatic with no exceptions and no wiggle room, beginning his sentences with “I am” and “No one.”

Jesus’s greatest hits are grouped by Gospel in order of appearance. But, do not passively read today’s study. Instead, imagine Jesus saying these words to you. Then, pray about and reread the verses that most penetrate your soul and touch your heart.

Jesus takes over from here. (But I interrupt sparingly to clarify or embellish.)

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